Wood Norton Weddings Photography 10
Wedding Photography by Lee Webb

Wood Norton Weddings

These two pages from Alison and Nick's wedding album show on the left page the groom and his groomsmen arriving at the outdoor wedding ceremony location before the wedding is due to start.

Whilst the registrars were meeting with the bride, back upstairs in the room where she and the bridesmaids had been getting ready, I had quickly asked where I could stand during the service. Usually I am allowed to stand inside the pergola/hard standing for the wedding ceremony, but here I was told that I had to stand out the outside, shooting over a relatively high side-fence, back towards the bride and groom who would be inside. This wouldn't normally be a problem but it did mean that I was stood in the blistering heat all day! It was the hottest day of the year, a balmy 32 degrees centigrade and it didn't show any signs of letting up. I stood on the side of the pergola furthest from the Wood Norton Hotel, meaning that I could shoot back towards the groom at the front of the aisle as he was on my side, but also allowing me to also see back towards where the bride would be exiting the hotel from.

On the right page you can see four images showing the bridesmaids walking out in pairs, followed by the bride and her son and finally a photo showing the groom's reaction.