Wood Norton Weddings Photography 4
Wedding Photography by Lee Webb

Wood Norton Weddings

These two pages from Alison and Nick’s wedding album show the wedding venue being dressed as the bride and bridal party were having their hair and makeup done upstairs.

There are always lulls here and there when people are having their makeup done, especially when you’re there for five or six hours in total. When things had settled down and not an awful lot was happening with the girls, I went downstairs to take the various photos of the venue being set up in time for the wedding.

I started with the time table and seating plan which can be seen in the top left corner of the left page. As the wedding was due to be taking place outside, this is where I went next, through the double doors from the lounge where in a couple of hours the bride herself would be walking, on her way down the aisle.

Immediately I came across a table filled with confetti which can be seen as the top right image on the left page. I also discovered a touching memorial to the bride and groom’s family that had passed away, which consisted of a series of photographs of them on their wedding day. This image can be seen on the lower left corner.

The lower-right image on the left page shows the venue-dresser going about her work, putting cloth seat covers over all of the chairs and placing ribbons on them for decoration.

Finally, the image that takes up the right page shows the venue itself in the background, with the location of the outside wedding taking up the whole of the foreground of the photo. As you can see in the image, there was very little in the way of cloud cover and it was a blistering 32 degrees centigrade during the wedding. Aside from the bride, groom and registrars (who were all under the shade of the pergola) everyone else, myself included was sat or stood in the baking heat. The wedding day was so hot that we were unable to take the couples photos immediately after the wedding ceremony as I usually would, and instead opted to take these after the wedding breakfast, much later in the day when it was about ten degrees cooler and much nicer to work in.