Wood Norton Weddings Photography 9
Wedding Photography by Lee Webb

Wood Norton Weddings

On the upper-left image on the left page is a photo of the bride having the finishing touches made to her hair. Once this was complete, I took a quick photo of the bride and all four bridesmaids together.

The son of the bride was due at any moment into the room: He was giving-away the bride, his mother, as her father had sadly passed away. I knew this would be a particularly emotion time and wanted to make sure I was in the right place at the right time to capture some truly memorable images.

When the son of the bride made his way into the room, the bride was next door having her makeup touched-up, but I was still able to get some beautiful photos of his sisters and soon to be step-sisters all greeting him. When Alison, the bride returned to the room, both her and her son ran forwards and gave each other a huge hug. There was so much emotion present right there in the room, and a lot of the bridesmaids found it hard to hide their tears. I think the image has been made even more powerful with the black and white edit; this allows you to really focus in on what's happening in the image itself without the possible distraction of colour.