Birtsmorton Court wedding album 31 & 32
Wedding Photography by Lee Webb

Birtsmorton Court wedding reception

After the wedding breakfast had concluded, the bride, groom and all of the guest moved next door into a long thin room with the same dimension as the marquee, only under a solid roof. The room features a dance floor and space for a live band or DJ at one end, with the rest of the lengthy room used for lounge style seating for all of the wedding guests.

The closing pages of Kevan and Deborah's Birtsmorton Court wedding album starts with the bride and groom cutting the wedding cake. I chose to include a photo of the bride and groom cutting the cake that wasn't posed as their reactions in this photo are priceless and a look like that can't be faked. 

The lighting in the reception hall isn't brilliant when it comes to photography, but it creates a lovely mood for wedding guests. In order to get properly lit images, I chose to use a pair of off-camera flashes which were synched with my camera and triggered using a radio remote control. The first image shows the bride and groom making their way to the dance floor, and I love how the light has picked the pair out of the crowd.

The remaining wedding photos show Kevan and Deborah enjoying their first dance together as husband and wife. The off-camera lighting is visible in the bottom left image - I'm always careful to place the lights that they look like lights belonging to the DJ or the band. 

I really like the image I chose to close the wedding album with. Not only is the lighting technically perfect, but the moment between the couple is too. The deep longing look into each other's eyes shows true love between the pair. 

Location: Birtsmorton Court, Worcestershire.